Christian Couple Enjoy Premarital Sex during Christian Dating

One of the most out of control sexual philosophies that is being spread today, even among Christian singles engaged in Christian dating, is the idea that to be sure that there is sexual compatibility in marriage, the couple must experience premarital sex during Christian dating. This premise is not just promoted by men but many women are promoting it as well. I can think of nothing further from the truth than what this premise represents.

Any sexual relationship outside of marriage is a fantasy and the elements are not a true setting for what sex will be like in a marriage. I am not saying that sex in marriage is boring or not filled with excitement. I am saying that there is a condition prevalent in sex dating outside of marriage that is akin to forbidden fruit. Forbidden fruit always taste good to the lips but oh what it does to the internal organs!

Sex was created for two main purposes: procreation and intimacy of a married couple. The intimacy designed by God to be enjoyed by a couple goes deeper than the physical aspect. It is a union of the spirits at the very deepest level. When a couple has sex personals outside of marriage they are creating a false God for their spirits.

Christian leaders who are rampantly promoting the theory that Christian singles engaged in Christian dating must have sex before marriage. There is no other way to say it than this is self-centeredness and placing their own desires above the care and protection of others.

Carol Jlowe

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