Single Relationships Advice For Love and Romance

Has it been a while since the sight of your significant other filled you with a sense of anticipation that something fun was about to happen? If you’ve settled into a rut with your adult dating partner, where you seem to meet up at the end of the workday and want to have some romantic and personal time with them then grab some dinner, watch TV and then go to bed, it could be time to rediscover a sense of play in your relationship. Try some of these ways of making your relationship fun again.

Memory lane

Think back to what you used to do together for adult dating when you first met. Did you have a shared interest or hobby? Did you love going to old movie festivals or spending weekends camping? Make a list of five shared activities that used to be fun to do together.

Now look at your present lifestyle. Why don’t you do these things as a couple anymore? Maybe you’re working too hard, or maybe you’ve just stopped bothering to make the effort. But if you really want to recapture a sense of fun in your relationship, you must take the initiative. Why not schedule one of those activities on your list for this weekend?

There are a million excuses for putting this off, but you should realize that making this kind of adult single effort could end up saving your relationship. So if you’ve already arranged to have dinner with some acquaintances, or work colleagues this weekend, pick up the phone and cancel it now. While you’re there, call that camping ground, theatre or art gallery and find out some concrete details about what they have to offer this very weekend. Make a commitment and make a booking right then and there.

What if you can’t even remember when this relationship was fun?

If the concepts of ‘relationship’ and ‘fun’ seem incompatible to you, it’s time for some radical action. Think about your own interests and those of your partner. Maybe you’re both serious workaholics, students or just terminally bored with your life together. In this case, an injection of exciting activity may be just what the doctor ordered.

You may both be prime candidates for some action adventures. Do some research into what’s available in your area or book a weekend away – there’s nothing like some bungee-jumping, white water rafting, or mountain climbing to get the adrenalin pumping and to make you feel alive again.

Maybe the only time you get to spend together is devoted to chores or discussions about money. Make a pact with each other that you will spend an entire Saturday afternoon without talking about this stressful issue, and without doing a single chore.

Does it really matter if the laundry is not folded or the floor not vacuumed? Leave the weeds where they are for another week. Make your relationship a priority and see how much fun you can have when you try.

Carol Jlowe

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