Single Dating Hot Women Have Great Sex

The study we’re talking about doesn’t actually say that smart women have great sex, rather that dating women with a high emotional intelligence have more orgasms. But of course these results lend themselves to headlines like…

Intelligent women have better sex, which doesn’t exactly nail it either. The truth about the study is less spectacular, but it makes a lot of sense: women with a high emotional intelligence are more in touch with their feelings, so when it comes to sex dating they know what they want, what they like and are able to articulate it. This leads to easier, more regular orgasms.

Of course, whether or not an orgasm in itself equals great sex is a different question altogether. Most single women would probably not equate the two and argue that you can have great sex without an orgasm, while vice versa you can also have an orgasm although the sex isn’t that great.

What the study does tell us is something all women should keep in mind: your sex life benefits when you are in touch with your own needs and emotions. Most dating men would probably agree – because there is nothing sexier than a woman who is smart and knows what she wants!

Carol Jlowe

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